All the Tips You Need to Keep Your Drains Open

All the Tips You Need to Keep Your Drains Open

What is a drain – in the typical plumbing kind of thinking? As a noun, Webster’s defines a drain as “a pipe or channel, carrying water away or sewage from a house, street or building” Typical drains in our homes and buildings During our typical busy days, we don’t...
When Something Really Stinks – it Might be Sewer Gas

When Something Really Stinks – it Might be Sewer Gas

The olfactory sense, or your sense of smell, is one of the most powerful senses humans have. Odors, aromas … smells … conjure memories that affect how we react and behave. So when a smell is unpleasant, the sniffers respond and react with an immediate behavior. And...
5 Reasons for Low Water Pressure

5 Reasons for Low Water Pressure

It might have been coming on for some time, but all of a sudden you feel like you are showering in a stream of drips, or rinsing your hair or dishes takes longer than it used to take. What’s the problem? It could be low water pressure. It’s frustrating for homeowners...
4 Signs of Water Main Leaks

4 Signs of Water Main Leaks

According to the Uni-Bell PVC Association, 5,258,451 water mains have broken in the United States since the year 2000. It’s no surprise to people who deal with water pipes on a regular basis like we do here at Fite Plumbing, but it is a surprise when a broken water...